This Monday arrived 70 degrees and sunny; the second sunny Monday since you guys left eight weeks ago. We celebrated the sunshine by having a pizza party. Everyone created their own custom pizza. We had some interesting toppings! Pepperoni, sausage and cheese was provided by us (the Senio kids) and after raiding the Wold's pantry/spice cabinets, an assortment of fun and interesting (?) toppings were discovered. Josiah's colorful personality came out when he generously topped his pizza with banana peppers, which isn't surprising since we have all seen him down banana pepper topped bagels, PB&J sandwiches and tequitas... (get the picture?). Matthew on the other hand, turned out to be a gourmet cook. He meticulously sprinkled oregano, garlic chips and dried onion among his pepperoni and sausages. Beth drowned her cheese pizza with garlic chips and her breath has reeked ever since!! I did the boring route of meat-lover's pizza without any garlic (:P). The rest of the kids loaded their pizzas with all of the above... Afterward, the KP came in and cleaned up the huge mess that we had made.